What’s happening with AFCA?

The Australian Firefighters Climate Alliance (AFCA) was born out of the desire for firefighters to have a voice on the increasingly concerning issue of climate change, which we are feeling first hand. We are a small, but steadily growing collective, dedicating ourselves to campaign for climate justice, and all its intersections.

In 2022, we ran a digital campaign which called on the Australian federal government to set ambitious emissions reduction targets. We ran this campaign by getting firefighters on the front lines to upload pictures of themselves, with placards of messages.

The feedback we got from firefighters during our 2022 campaign is that they are keen to get involved, but worried about the backlash from their relative firefighting organisations. Unfortunately we live in a time where the culture among some firefighters is still a decade or two behind the rest of the community, and there have been repercussions in the past when firefighters try to speak out.

This feedback led to the 2023-2024 campaign, where we set our sights on increasing our membership, and implementing safe and inclusive methods of campaigning for climate justice. One of the ways we are activating these spaces is through our LGBTQIA+ firefighting forum. This was a space held at the end of 2023, where we invited any LGBTQIA+ fireys as well as any allies to zoom in, where we could discuss challenges we face, as well as how fireys can be better allies to their queer peers. This forum was a huge success, and we plan to have an additional sessions in future. The end goal of these forums are to set the tone for the AFCA, and create a progressive caucus of firefighters who are able to support and debrief with one another.

Later in 2024, we will be starting to hold monthly open meetings, inviting people to come along and see what we’re all about. This will be a space where we can discuss campaigning, logistics, membership and the future of firefighting in Australia.

If you’re keen to come along to our next meeting, follow us on social media, and check out our website for regular updates and more information.

Published by Cam Walker

I work with Friends of the Earth, and live in Castlemaine in Central Victoria, Australia. Activist, dad to Tali & Mia, mountain enthusiast, climber, telemark skier, volunteer firefighter.

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